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Parts > Bullet Button Wrench Tool
Bullet Button Wrench Tool

Price: $10.00
Prod. Code: Button

From the makers of the Prince50 BULLET-BUTTON comes the BULLET BUTTON WRENCH

The BULLET-BUTTON WRENCH is a product that allows you to tighten the BULLET BUTTON Inner Nut when installing the BULLET BUTTON.

The BULLET BUTTON WRENCH can also be used as a tool to remove/disassemble the magazine from the rifle when you are at the range.

The BULLET BUTTON WRENCH can also be screwed into the BULLET BUTTON to be utilized as a normal magazine release button when you travel outside the state of California or if you install a .22lr rimfire AR Upper Receiver to your AR Lower Receiver.

When you are done, you simply unscrew the BULLET BUTTON WRENCH and it returns the BULLET BUTTON Inner Nut back to its original position.


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